Hello. I’m Seth, a UI & UX Designer.

I consider myself a craftsman, and I’m someone who cares about the things he makes. I design primarily for user experience but, being a considerate developer, I also consider accessibility, performance, semantics and scalability.

I’m the tall one. This isn’t the view from my garden, unfortunately.

Whilst you can call me a User Experience (UX) Engineer, a Mobile UX Expert, a User Interface (UI) Designer, or a Front-end Developer if you like, I think Web Designer is probably easiest. And, although I am very good at making websites, I don’t like being called a ‘Code Ninja’, ‘UX Guru’ or ‘Rockstar Developer’ because that’s patently ridiculous. Essentially, I’m a designer who designs with code.

Other places you might find me

I’m at my most sociable online as @nternetinspired on Twitter, and that’s usually the fastest way to get hold of me. I don’t do Facebook, and because I believe in an open web I probably never will. If LinkedIn is your thing (Hello recruiters!) you can connect with me there. I occasionally post shots of my work on Dribbble and I’m trying to get better at sharing code on Github and giving back to the open-source projects that have given me so much. I ♥ open-source!

Also available offline!

Although I’m definitely a geek at heart I’m still human and I work hard to try and maintain a healthy work-life balance, because there’s much more to life than good code.

I’m a family man, a happily married father of three, who enjoys good eatin’ and great ale. At the weekends I try to stay away from my desk and enjoy family life because I’ve learned that working at the weekend is unproductive and inefficient.

☞ Like what you see? Let’s talk! ☜

[email protected]