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⚠️ Heads up!

This site is currently 🚧 under construction 🚧, so you may see some things that aren’t quite ready yet, or aren’t even there!

However, as perfection is the enemy of progress I decided to push the button and make it live anyway!


  • Spiffingcovers imac

    Spiffing covers

    Moving from Joomla to CraftCMS let the Spiffing team unleash their creativity.

  • Chris liverani HUJ Dz6 CJ Ea M unsplash

    Defining a performance budget

    Web applications have balooned in recent years with the average website now almost 2Mb, how can we fix that?

  • Falling in love with Jekyll

    ve been using Jekyll for just two days, and I am in love! I’m already at point of wondering if I’ll ever build a site with anything else. It’s that good.

Vinicius amnx amano B Gzl GV4 ARC8 unsplash

Get in touch today!

Let me help you realise your ideas with a fast, user-centric, website designed & built for you!

Drop me an email and we can have an informal chat to see if we’re a good fit for each other.