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A rarely updated Web Log’ of thoughts from the front lines of Front-end Development.

  • Danist soh 8 Gg2 Ne u Tc M unsplash

    Build in public

    No-one wants to put a project live when it’s not quite finished, but aiming for perfection might mean that launch day never comes!

  • Daniele riggi 1 T4x Ll Ce3 Ww unsplash

    Tuned typography

    We want our users to engage with our content, and great typography helps to do that. The easier it is to read, the better the engagement.

  • Thisisengineering raeng v GA1ei1yxos unsplash

    Access all areas

    Experienced web developers ensure that accessibility is baked into everything they do because it’s the right thing to do, and the right way to do it.

  • T shirts

    Shopify rocks!

    Shopify is a hosted e‑commerce solution trusted by businesses worldwide and is loved by store owners, shoppers and developers alike.

  • Dust

    Colour magic with Sass

    Creating a complementary colour palette with Sass, and a quick glance at colour theory, is easy.

Andrea sanchez 6 B9zyqr OO Mc unsplash

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