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⚠️ Heads up!

This site is currently 🚧 under construction 🚧, so you may see some things that aren’t quite ready yet, or aren’t even there!

However, as perfection is the enemy of progress I decided to push the button and make it live anyway!


Thoughts, opinions and experiences from the front lines of front-end Craft CMS development.

  • Denny luan ovm b91y Eg Y unsplash

    A brave new world

    I finally made the big switch to OSX. I’m still finding my feet, but already discovering there’s things I love, and things that I don’t…

  • A personal challenge

    I set myself a challenge to build the best blog site I could, with the minimum amount of code. This is my first attempt, and I’m happy with the results so far.

  • Lean & mean

    I think we’ve become lazy when we build websites and the rise of chuck-it-all-in frameworks has only made things worse.

  • Falling in love with Jekyll

    ve been using Jekyll for just two days, and I am in love! I’m already at point of wondering if I’ll ever build a site with anything else. It’s that good.

Andrea sanchez 6 B9zyqr OO Mc unsplash

Discover your new super-power!

A website powered by Craft CMS will get you where you want to be faster, and without stress. Get in touch and find out how!